InsideRun Archives
It's hard to pinpoint the true origin of InsideRun.
It could have started with hand-stenciled, hand-painted emo band t-shirts and hoodies in highschool.
Maybe it was painfully nerdy joke tees while studying Mechanical Engineering.
It became a little more recognizable as Side Hustle Apparel, which only existed as a private Facebook group, but sold over 50 items in 5 different designs at roughly 0 profit.
In all its previous forms, the idea has always been driven by a lack of representation -- when the hand-painted band shirts were on offer, it was because no musical acts ever came to Newfoundland. In university, no one got our (admittedly terrible) jokes about whether that was your z-axis or you were just happy to see me.
Side Hustle was the same, and it led to InsideRun.
InsideRun wants to acknowledge what you -- what we -- do, and highlight it. You're part of a secret society, whether you realize it or not. But we could all stand to make it a little less secret.